Monday, September 24, 2007

Questions for Games homework

Hopefully you have had the chance to play two different games for 20 minutes each. There are numerous places on the web to find both Flash-based games playable in your browser and free downloads of current and classic PC/Mac games. You may wish to post as a comment to this entry those sites you found particularly useful in this regard.

While playing, ask yourself the following:

• How do each of Manovich's Principles of New Media enable what you can do in these games? Are there any that stand out more than others?

• How do McMahon's criteria for presence work in these games? Are there any that do not apply? Is this different between the two games you chose? If so, how does the difference affect your sense of presence with the each game?

• How is the experience of playing each game different from and similar to the experience of watching a film in the theater? Watching a film at home? Watching a television series? Watching a video clip online?

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