Friday, September 7, 2007

Representation Circulation

For Monday, Sep 10, Watch the three videos below of Stephen Colbert. Watch them from oldest to newest post--from the bottom up. (If you are interested in learning more about him, there's plenty on the web).

As you watch, take note (in your notebook) of the following:

•Does this seem like the same person? Why or why not? How is he performing "Stephen Colbert" differently in these different venues (even though they're all night-time television news)?

•What specific visual and auditory characteristics of his public persona are being altered and which remain mostly the same in each performance?

•Would it make a difference if Colbert himself told you which version of himself he thought was the "real" one? Why or why not?

•Can you relate these three representations of "Stephen Colbert" to concepts you read about in the duGay and Mirzoeff readings? How so?

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